Salon St-Germain
Massage therapy in the St.Germain lineage treats body and spirit with skill, intuition and love

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Michelle Nosco: Sound Massage practioner



Why raising your vibration increases serendipity. | Joanna McEwen | TEDx...

Why Raising Your Vibration Increases Serendipity

For many years these "truths" have been making themselves evident in my life.

During the pandemic isolation I became certified in Sound Healing from the Globe Institute.  Combining an unearned talent with this and other Sound Healing techniques the miracles in my life continue and I am most grateful to share them.  

    People come to my practice in Ventura as well as remotely and can personally testify to what Joanna McEwen says here at her Ted-x talk.  When we are harmonious within, the world starts to synchronize with us.  Not that all wrongs are made right, but when starting on a journey the first step is the greatest.

    Makes sense?  If not, contact me... happy to chat.